Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2010...

A while back I started noticing that an odd word started showing up everywhere, in would come up in the movies I was watching, the books I was reading, and even the Tarot card reader used it to describe me. I had to figure out what the heck was up with this word! The word was “Chaos”! When people say “chaos” it usually does not come with a very pleasant connotation, so it is easy to say it had me a little worried.

I grabbed the trusty Webster’s Dictionary to find out the actual definition for “chaos”. Chaos is the “confused unorganized state existing before the creation of distinct forms, or the inherent unpredictability in the behavior of a complex natural system such as the beating heart”. I found it interesting that to most people “chaos” means that everything is falling apart and that some things don’t have purpose! In reality “chaos” is a word to describe the puzzle pieces before they become the finished product. Take the example of the beating heart. You have the heart, but it can’t beat on its own! You have arteries and veins, blood, the lungs, oxygen, the brain, and nerves, and tons of other little factors that are what would be considered “chaos”. They are all just pieces of a puzzle, but once they are all put together to assist the heart- the heart can then and only then beat.

Think about this in your own life… what are some of your puzzle pieces? Pieces that seemed like they made no sense on their own, but lead to something great. This could be anything from landing an awesome job, getting married and or divorced, having a baby or picking your college major. All the struggles, barriers, coincidences, and the many times you changed your mind about a decision, that lead you to that “something great” is… CHAOS! I think it’s good to have a little chaos now and then. All the greatness that occurred from my life’s chaos has been wonderfully life changing.

Happy New Year, bring on the chaos!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazingly positive point of view. You are right that chaos is a part of life. Better to grab it by the horns and enjoy the ride!
